Tuesday 6 November 2012

Two endemics at a time

While I was away from Saudi Arabia, one of my birding friends, Mansur al Fahad, visited various of parts of the country.  He videos his findings and has kindly briefed me about what he saw and released several stills taken from the videos.  

I hope to show some of his findings on this blog over the next few days.

One of the most fascinating areas he visited was the south west of the country. Part of his birding there was done in a valley right next to the Golden Tulip hotel, Baha.

I had seen both the endemic Philby's partridge and Arabian partridge there on my visit. 

Mansur soon came across  Philby's partridge and got several minutes of video footage of a small group.

Two Philby's partridge and an Arabian partridge

Suddenly while he was filming, an Arabian partridge walked in on the scene like a film extra!

I will be showing some of the video in future blogs. There will be plenty of stills too from this and other birding scenes.

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