Monday 3 September 2018

Forty three species at the waste water site

Yesterday I went to the waste water site again. It is my "local" patch these days since the demise of F-Nord lake. The lake was pumped dry by overzealous city planners and a large fresh water magnet for birds was lost in a city in the semi-desert.

North Nouakchott waste water site does its best. Yesterday was a good day.

  • No fewer than ten types of warbler were seen:
    Western Bonelli's Warbler, Willow Warbler, Common Chiffchaff, Western Olivaceous Warbler, Melodious Warbler, Sedge Warbler, Eurasian Reed Warbler, Common Grasshopper Warbler, Western Orphean Warbler, Spectacled Warbler. All are migrants.
  • Other migrants included roller, nightingale, rufous bush-robin and  European turtle dove
  • Three different sedge warbler were photographed near each other.
  • A grasshopper warbler shown about 20 metres from where I saw one two weeks earlier
  • One of the European reed warbler felt so secure it was asleep during daylight. This presumed after a long migratory flight.

melodious warbler 1

melodious warbler 2

back of European reed warbler

juvenile woodchat shrike

partially hidden spectacled warbler

crested lark

grasshopper warbler

spotted flycatcher

namaqua dove

sleepy reed warbler

now alert reed warbler

young yellow wagtail

European turtle dove

western orphean warbler 1

western orphean warbler 2

European pied flycatcher

first sedge warbler

second sedge warbler

third sedge warbler

glossy ibis

blue-cheeked bee-eater

little stint

kentish plover

Species at Waste Water site. 2nd September 2018
European Turtle Dove  
Laughing Dove  
Namaqua Dove  
Black-winged Stilt  
Spur-winged Lapwing  
Kentish Plover  
Common Ringed Plover  
Curlew Sandpiper  
Little Stint  
Common Sandpiper  
Green Sandpiper  
Wood Sandpiper  
Common Redshank  
Grey Heron (Grey)  
Glossy Ibis  
Eurasian Hoopoe  
Blue-cheeked Bee-eater  
European Roller  
Great Grey Shrike (Sahara)  
Woodchat Shrike  
Crested Lark  
Sand Martin  
Barn Swallow  
Western Bonelli's Warbler  
Willow Warbler  
Common Chiffchaff  
Western Olivaceous Warbler  
Melodious Warbler  
Sedge Warbler  
Eurasian Reed Warbler  
Common Grasshopper Warbler  
Western Orphean Warbler  
Spectacled Warbler  
Spotted Flycatcher  
Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin  
Common Nightingale  
European Pied Flycatcher  
Common Redstart  
Western Yellow Wagtail  
House Sparrow  
Sudan Golden Sparrow  

Saturday 1 September 2018

More August passage at the waste water site

Last Sunday I returned to the waste water site, just north of the city. 34 species were seen but that was actually slightly down on the bumper week before. It was down slightly both in terms of species and overall numbers of warblers. Sunday August 19th had been special.

Highlights were:

  • Four very early European roller which reminded unphotographed
  • Green sandpiper which is surprisingly uncommon in the Nouakchott area especially compared with common sandpiper and wood sandpiper
  • Plenty of western Bonelli's warbler. It is very much an August bird in Nouakchott though it winters not much further south.
  • Four great white pelican flying over head, thinking about landing and then wisely not doing so. I have seen this played out several times now.
  • A full list of species is at the bottom of the blog.

western olivaceous warbler

partially hidden western Bonelli's warbler

green sandpiper


another ruff

spur-winged lapwing, little stint and common redshank

little stint


little stint retaining summer plumage

34 species at the waste water site
Laughing Dove  
Namaqua Dove  
Little Swift  
Black-winged Stilt  
Spur-winged Lapwing  
Common Ringed Plover  
Little Stint  
Common Sandpiper  
Green Sandpiper  
Wood Sandpiper  
Common Redshank  
Great White Pelican  
Glossy Ibis  
Eurasian Hoopoe  
Blue-cheeked Bee-eater  
European Roller  
Woodchat Shrike  
Crested Lark  
Barn Swallow  
Western Bonelli's Warbler  
Willow Warbler  
Common Chiffchaff  
Western Olivaceous Warbler  
Melodious Warbler  
Eurasian Reed Warbler  
Common Whitethroat  
Spotted Flycatcher  
Common Nightingale  
European Pied Flycatcher  
House Sparrow  
Sudan Golden Sparrow