One of the highlights, was from my door step when I saw 200 white stork fly over four days ago. This was one of several waves of white stork last week seemingly heading south already.
some of 200 white stork over my house
The next evening, I was looking out at dusk from the front when I noticed a little owl on a neighbour's house. I used to see them there in previous summers but last year I couldn't find them. It's good to know they have been seen again.
little owl from my house
The walks to the neighbouring village were quite interesting too. There are several fields of sun flower. If I look hard, I often find well camouflaged male black-headed bunting on the flower heads.
female black headed bunting
This time, I managed a duller female black headed bunting.
corn bunting
Corn bunting is more common and much more easily seen. Other very common local birds include skylark in the fields and golden oriole along the avenue of trees following the road.
European turtle dove
lesser grey shrike
Lesser grey shrike is the less common of two shrikes in the area. Red-backed shrike is around in greater numbers.
young red backed shrike
These include both juvenile and adult birds.
male red backed shrike
Seen on my walks, spotted flycatcher was no surprise although they prefer more shaded areas than most of the route.
spotted flycatcher
young blackbird
House martin is extremely abundant especially near my house. The wires heave with them at dawn and dusk. Barn swallow are numerous too and, unlike house martin, frequently land on the avenues of trees between the villages. Here, at the moment, you can see young swallows on these trees still being fed by their parents.
young barn swallow waiting to be fed
I have observed only two birds of prey in the area over the month. One was a short toed eagle, seen last month, which is is a known summer breeder in the area. The other was more recent. It was a hobby seemingly flying with some of the barn swallow high in the sky.
There is much more other wildlife too including hare.