Saturday, 26 May 2018

Mid-May in Nouakchott

The heavy load at work is not just affected by ability to write blogs, it is affecting my ability to find time to bird as well. However, I am going out today to try my luck at the coast. Who knows I may finally find a bridled tern.

In the meantime, here is one last blog to finally bring me up-to-date. 

I went out to the waste water site two weeks ago. It was still surprisingly cool and it was Mid-May.

There were still some warblers about though the proportion with some sort of illness was higher than peak season. I will say more about that later.

blackcap 1

There were no such worries about the health of the blackcap seen. They can be healthy and late.

blackcap 2

I suspect the reason this European reed warbler was lingering was its lack of any tail feathers. 

European reed warbler 1

It did have its white under-tail coverts though making very strange looking.

European reed warbler 2

Despite, its lose, it is always to good to see European reed warbler as clearly as I often do at the waste water site.

European reed warbler 3

The dappled look on the head of the willow warbler below is just the sun shining through the leaves.

willow warbler

However, you can probably just make out that the willow warbler has some sort of skin infection near the base of its bill. 

spur-winged lapwing

As usual I spent some time at the main body of water. The spur-winged lapwing were even more aggressive than usual. With no birds of prey to mob, they turned their attention to me a few times.

kentish plover

There were no wood sandpiper present for the first time since last summer. Kentish plover was the most numerous wader.

common ringed plover (back)

There were a few common ringed plover present too.

tree pipit

Yellow wagtail were still around as well as one tree pipit.

golden oriole

It is May and that means a good chance of seeing golden oriole at the site. Five of them did not disappoint though they were very shy. I couldn't get within 35 metres of them.

Sudanese golden sparrow

It's been a long time since I haven't seen Sudanese golden sparrow at the site.

woodchat shrike

I have commented on this before but woodchat shrike have very long passage seasons here though they are not seen mid-winter. 

spotted flycatcher

There was still the odd spotted flycatcher present.

Namaqua dove

Just occasionally there are very many of one dove species or another at the site. It can be speckled pigeon or laughing dove but this time it was Namaqua dove. There were at least 40 and most were flocking together.

I am now going out to the coast just as I post this.


  1. Hello Robert!
    I have just found your blog and thought that maybe you could help me identify a bird of prey. I have only 1 photo from the early 80s. The bird landed on our back porch in Jeddah. Let me know how I can post or send the photo.Thanks!

  2. It's great that you are taking some time for birding today.
